Board meetings

Crossroads Charter Schools Board of Directors meet every 4th Monday of the month, except when it falls on or around a major holiday or break. The following are our set calendar dates for the 2024-2025 school year. These dates do not include Special School Board meetings called throughout the school year. 


Meeting agendas and minutes from 2021 to present can be found by clicking on this link:

Crossroads Charter Schools Board on Track

Meeting agendas and minutes for prior years can be found below

During each public board meeting, there is a Public Comments section that allows board members to hear feedback and input from members of our community on topics that are important to them. If you have a complaint or grievance, we would encourage you to follow the Crossroads grievance process in order to receive feedback and a final resolution to your issue.

Here are the guidelines for making a public comment:

  • Each meeting will have three, three-minute time slots available for public comment at the beginning of each meeting. Commenters will have the option to give comments either virtually. We ask that you log into the meeting no later than 4:50 p.m.
  • Commenters must sign up by 5 p.m. on Friday before the board meeting using this form. Time slots are assigned on a first come, first served basis. You will receive an email confirmation letting you know if a time slot is available.

Each commenter must agree to adhere to our CCS Rules of Conduct:

  • Model appropriate behavior and be good examples to our school community.
  • Be respectful to the staff, students, and other members of the school community at all times.
  • Refrain from using profanity, inappropriate or rude language/gestures, or an aggressive/loud voice.
  • Handle complaints in a positive and professional manner.

Any commenter not adhering to the Code of Conduct may be asked to end their comments and leave the premises.

Here are the guidelines for making a public comment: